DEEP DIVE PROGRAM: Introduction to Becoming an Animal-Assisted Therapist

12 Points Training Professional Development Intro to AAI

This 4-week program is designed as a ‘what I wish I had known’ when I started down the road to becoming an animal-assisted therapist over a decade ago.

It is NOT a program to train you and your animal to become an animal handler team.


This program includes:

  • An overview of the different types of animal-assisted activities and interventions (including AAT and AAE),

  • A solid theoretical underpinning as to why AAIs are so effective,

  • Demonstrations as to why the proper training is so crucial to getting the most out of AAI

  • Guidance on finding the right training provider,

  • Information to determine if AAI work is right for you and your existing animal, or how to find a suitable animal assistant

  • An overview of some of the things to consider if you do want to pursue AAI, e.g., how to handle your taxes and insurances and,

  • Ideas around “where-to-next”, e.g., training providers, developing workplace OH&S policies etc and getting started in AAI.

All up this program includes over 10 hours of recorded webinars and video demonstrations, plus handouts, templates and a final knowledge quiz that helps demonstrate the knowledge you're taking with you.

Please note: You can always ask questions via email throughout the course, but you will also have access to ongoing support via our All About AAT Facebook group (please feel free to join the FB group whether you sign up to this program or not).




Crisis Coping Skills


DEEP DIVE PROGRAM: Onboarding in Private Practice